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Anthony Vauleon

Anthony Vauleon, who was born in France, but lives in the Netherlands, is known for using the Airbrush technique. He will present at the Km5 Vernissage that will start at 9.30pm his collection of paintings. Vauleon will show, among other things, how light interacts with paint. This artist has specialized in paintings using fluorescent and ultraviolet black light to show its effects.

At 10:30pm Anthony will set up in the club of Km5 a live performance and bodypaint on a model and will attempt so to capture the contrast between the beauty of the island of Ibiza and the horrible devastation that could produce the exploration of oil drillig in the Mediterranean.
The show will last 4 hours. Once the performance has ended, a photographer will take multiple shots of the model. These photos will serve Anthony Vauleon to create a painting to be auctioned. The full amount of the auction will be donated to the platform “Eivissa Diu No” to help in the fight against this act that could be fatal to the island and to the east coast of Spain.


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